Thursday, February 23, 2012

Religious Convictions Almost Criminal

The farce that is the Republican primary election seems to revolve around who is the most Christian. What pompous arrogance to presume that Christianity has a monopoly on virtue.

It took us until 1960 to elect a Catholic president and 2008 to elect a non-white. Next major milestone: electing a woman. (Elizabeth Warren, anyone?) But we will not truly stamp ourselves as a country of genuinely equal opportunity for all until we elect a Jew or a Buddhist or an openly-avowed, self-proclaimed Muslim or, even better yet, an atheist/agnostic.

Alas: our presidential candidates must still pass the religious litmus test. In that regard, we are little better than the Middle East religious theocracies we so roundly criticize. Pick your poison.

As Andy Borowitz said about Rick Santorum, "You are running for President. The position of Spanish Inquisitor is no longer available."