Saturday, May 22, 2010

For Geeks Only: Favicons

Where have I been? Out in the ozone, I guess. I recently discovered four facts about creating a web page that only geeky webmasters could appreciate:
  1. Favicons need not be named "favicon" (or more accurately, "favicon.ico")
  2. Favicons need not be placed in the same folder as the html page that invokes it
  3. Sub-pages need not have the same favicon as the parent page; similarly, …
  4. Individual frame pages can have their own separate and distinct favicon
On the other hand, the path name must apparently be specified in full, not just relational (e.g., "" and not "/images/portable-apps.ico").

Regardless of coding technique, the real problem remains: finding images that retain any clarity of meaning when reduced to the required miniscule size of 16 x 16 pixels. Good luck with that.

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